Women’s Empowerment Project

Building women’s confidence through life coaching and skill-based training

Women’s Empowerment Program

BDF’s Women’s Empowerment Project (WEP) targets women in greatest need, ranging from young single mothers to survivors of domestic abuse and women in financial hardship. WEP’s core focus is twofold: life coaching (e.g. financial literacy, training sessions on building confidence, and employability skills) and skill-based training (e.g. introductory and advanced sewing training, and handicrafts).

Empowering women through hard and soft skills

Within the WEP, upskilling activities have a strong work readiness component, which focuses on developing skills needed to be successful in the labor market, further boosting employability skills. In the long term, the project aims to instill in women the knowledge to help themselves break away from the cycle of poverty and improve their living conditions. 

BDF ensures women are supported to reach their full potential

Following advanced sewing training provided by BDF trainers, women who gained the required hard skills are invited to produce items for Dao Ethical Gifts to generate an extra source of income, enabling them to begin rebuilding their confidence. Click here to learn more about Dao Ethical Gifts.